University of Michigan Dissertation Completion Project, Scope and Content From the Collection: Collection contains materials produced or collected by Christine Sierra related to her academic career as well as her community activism Indexing & authors' abstracts for most doctoral dissertations and some masters theses accepted each year in the United States and Canada (since ), plus thousands more from Great Britain and Ireland (since ), and selected other universities around the world (as far back as ). Includes full-text (in PDF) of most* dissertations submitted at University of Michigan and the 14 other CIC/Big Ten Universities Dissertations and theses submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for master's or doctoral degrees at the University of Michigan. This collection also includes theses written by U-M faculty. Ph.D. dissertations at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor are awarded by the Rackham School of Graduate Studies
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From the Collection: 10 boxes 12 cubic ft. University of Michigan Dissertation Completion Project,Box: 1, Folder: 3. Staff Interface Visit ArchivesSpace. org v2. Skip to main content. New Mexico Archives Online. Toggle Navigation Repositories Collections Digital Materials Unprocessed Material Subjects Names Record Groups Search The Archives. University university of michigan dissertations Michigan Dissertation Completion Project, File — Box: 1, Folder: 3.
Citation Request Staff Only. Scope and Content From the Collection: Collection contains materials produced or collected by Christine Sierra related to her academic career as well as her community activism. The first subseries, Conferences, Speeches and Awards, university of michigan dissertations speeches written and presented by Christine Sierra at academic conferences and conventions nationwide, various awards given to Sierra for her writing and research, and her dissertation work.
The second subseries, Academic Research, is composed of statistics and election polls, newsletters and reports written by groups such as the Southwest Voter Registration Education Project SVREP that give insight into the Latino vote in nationwide and New Mexico elections, and interviews conducted by Sierra with community members and candidates in New Mexico elections.
The data collected in the second subseries is research that Sierra conducted for her dissertation as well as other academic projects. The third series, Community Organizations, is divided into several subseries that all contain yearly reports, grants, proposals, meetings, data, correspondence, conferences, university of michigan dissertations, news articles and newsletters from various organizations that Christine Sierra researched. Featured are various directories university of michigan dissertations rosters, election and voting data, maps and other publications related to Santa Fe, New Mexico, and article publications from academic journals such as Aztlán Publications.
The fifth and final series, Newspapers, is comprised of articles and papers from The New Mexican, Puntos de Vista, the Hispanic Link Weekly Report, and two oversized boxes of newspapers published by The National Hispanic Reporter and The National Council of La Raza Agenda. Language of Materials From the Collection: English, university of michigan dissertations. Access Restrictions Collection is open for research.
Physical Storage Information. Box: 1, Folder: 3 unspecified. Repository Details. Contact: University Libraries, MSC05 1 University of New Mexico Albuquerque NM cswrref unm. Collection organization. Cite Item Cite Item Description University of Michigan Dissertation Completion Project,university of michigan dissertations, Box: 1, Folder: 3.
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Writing a dissertation
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Search Instructions. The fastest way to identify and validate a dissertation is to enter the ProQuest publication number. If you don't have this, enter a word or phrase into the search terms field or the author's last name and the first four words of the dissertation title. Search terms - Enter a word or phrase related to the dissertation University of Michigan Dissertation Completion Project, Scope and Content From the Collection: Collection contains materials produced or collected by Christine Sierra related to her academic career as well as her community activism Mar 10, · Describes most dissertations filed at University of Michigan, with full text for most since Deep Blue. This is UM's online repository for the work of our fabulous grad students and faculty -- and a few high-achieving undergrads! It's a permanent, Author: Carol Shannon
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