This thesis is submitted to the School of Computing at Blekinge Institute of Technology in partial ful lment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science. The thesis is equivalent to 20 weeks of full time studies. Contact Information Author: Nooshin Haji Ghassemi E-mail: blogger.com@blogger.com External Advisor(s) Jan 16, · Sample Topic Ideas for a Computer Science Thesis Project A study to assess the challenges and benefits of using robotics in offering services. Artificial intelligence is being used to develop automatic robotics such as those robots used in Japan to take care of older adults Thesis and Research Topics in Computer Science. Completing a masters Thesis in computer science is the most challenging task faced by research scholars studying in universities all across the world. As computer science is one of the most vast fields opted by research scholars so finding a new thesis topic in computer science becomes more difficult
Abstract Thesis Example Computer Science
Parallelizing unit test execution on GPUTaghreed Bagies. Evaluation of GPU-specific device directives and multi-dimensional data structures in OpenMPArijit Bhattacharjee. Refactoring an existing code base to improve modularity and qualitySouradeep Bhowmik.
Stacked generative adversarial networks for learning additional features computer science thesis example image segmentation mapsMatthew John Burke. Compatibility testing for rooted phylogenetic treesYun Deng. Understanding computer science thesis example gestures in wearable mixed reality environmentscomputer science thesis example, Karen Marie Doty. Model checking large design spaces: Theory, tools, and experimentsRohit Dureja, computer science thesis example.
Robotic batting and computer science thesis example estimation of objects in free flightMatthew Gardner. Chemical reaction networks: Computability, complexity, and randomnessXiang Huang.
Towards understanding the challenges faced by machine learning software developers and enabling automated solutionsMd Johirul Islam. Understanding the internet AS topology and its applicationsJinu Susan Kabala. Reprogramming of neural networks: A new and improved machine learning techniqueEliska Kloberdanz.
Visual object tracking for UAVs using deep reinforcement learningKyungtae Ko. Phylogenetic comparison measurements and their application towards the accurate inference of evolutionary historiesAlexey Markin. Interpretability of configurable software in the biosciencesMikaela Cashman McDevitt. PhyloVirus: Inferring virus reassortment, and a visualization tool for phylogenetic networks Development and Usability StudyFathi Mubaraki. Evolution of gene blocks in bacteria using an event-based modelHuy Nguyen.
A situation-driven framework for relearning of activities of daily living in smart home environmentsOluwafemi Richard Oyeleke. Activity recognition and animation of activities of daily livingMohammed Shaiqur Rahman. Spreading information in social networks containing adversarial usersMadhavan Rajagopal Padmanabhan.
Using Automatic Vehicle Location AVL for real-time maintenance identification and trackingVarsha Ravichandra Mouli, computer science thesis example. A vision based DQN exploration algorithm for collision avoidanceJeremy Roghair. Adjustment criteria for recovering causal effects from missing dataMojdeh Saadati.
Automated analysis and indexing of lecture videosGayathri Sreepathy. Optimizing parallel sequence alignment sorting and epistasis detection, and parallel Fortran application resilienceNathan Weeks. Mounting a screwdriver onto a screw using hybrid computer science thesis exampleShengwen Xie. Design-time detection of physical-unit changes in product linesWandi Xiong, computer science thesis example. Methods for correcting and analyzing gene familiesAkshay Yadav.
Can we improve information freshness with predictions in mobile crowd-learning? Data compression based cost optimization for a multi-cloud data storage systemAbdullah. Network-aware energy saving techniques in cloud data centersMotassem Al-Tarazi.
Situation-oriented requirements engineeringNimanthi Atukorala. Decision diagrams: Extensions and applications to reachability analysisJunaid Babar. Domain-specific language and infrastructure for genomicsHamid Bagheri. Hierarchical phylogeny constructionAnindya Das. Political-advertisement video classification using deep learning methodsAashish Dhakal. The construction and applications of callback control flow graphs for event-driven and framework-based mobile appsDanilo Dominguez Perez.
Physics-constrained deterministic solution of time-dependent partial differential equations using deep convolutional encoder-decodersSambuddha Ghosal. Finding the minimum illuminating direction set for a polyhedronGuangyu Hou. BoaT: A domain specific language and shared data science infrastructure for large scale transportation data analysisMd Johirul Islam.
Witness generation in existential CTL model checkingcomputer science thesis example, Chuan Jiang. The role of similarity in detecting feature interaction in software product linesSeyedehzahra Khoshmanesh. Evaluating the role of critical nodes in disrupting diffusion in independent cascade diffusion modelRaj Gaurav Ballabh Kumar.
Identify algorithms from codeStroh John Leslie. Nonparametric curve estimation and applicationsYu Liu. Cross-layer wireless networking emulation in EMANEZehua Li. Data-driven approaches for peer-to-peer botnet detection and forecastingPriyangika Piyasinghe.
Training and evaluation in a large-scale virtual environment for a location-based mobile applicationAdel Sulaiman. Automatic repair and type binding of undeclared variables using neural networksVenkatesh Theru Mohan, computer science thesis example. Efficient object detection model for real-time UAV applicationsSubrahmanyam Vaddi. End-to-end learning of local point cloud feature descriptorsDavid Ambrose Wehr.
Taking the lab on the road and bringing the road to the lab: On using mixed-methods and virtual reality to study computer science thesis example location-based taskKofi Whitney.
Using a system dynamics simulation model to explore the effect of information delays on software developmentXinxin Yang. Predicting injury outcomes in mining industry - a machine learning approachAnurag Desai Yedla.
Toward efficient online scheduling for large-scale distributed machine learning systemMenglu Yu. Medical image classification under class imbalanceChuanhai Zhang. Automatic incident detectionLakshay Ahuja. Enhancing users' experiences with mobile app stores: What do users see? What should they see? Disrupting diffusion: Critical nodes in networkPreeti Bhardwaj. Recognition of activities of daily livingYunfei Feng. A data-driven situation-aware framework for predictive analysis in smart environmentsHoda Gholami.
Effectiveness of classification approach in recovering pairwise causal relations from data. A study of interpretability mechanisms for deep networksApurva Dilip Kokate. Large-scale study of substitutability in the presence of effectsJackson Lowell Maddox. Towards efficient and accountable oblivious cloud storageQiumao Ma. Improved triangle counting in graph streams: Neighborhood multi-samplingKiana Mousavi Hanjani.
High performance computing applications: Inter-process communication, workflow optimization, and deep learning for computational nuclear physicsGianina Alina Negoita. Data augmentation for supervised learning with generative adversarial networksManaswi Podduturi. Graph compression using heuristic-based reorderingPavithra Rajarathinam. Collective program analysisGanesha Upadhyaya. GraphTrack: An unsupervised graph-based cross-device tracking frameworkTianchen Zhou. Improving testing performance by dynamic prioritization of tests based on method invocation computer science thesis exampleSriram Balasubramanian.
Computer detection of spatial visualization in a location-based computer science thesis examplecomputer science thesis example, Georgi Iliev Batinov. A User Configurable B-tree Implementation as a UtilitySheng Bi. Devices for safety-critical molecular programmed systemsSamuel Jay Ellis. A testbed for multi-robot systemsTianshuang Gao. Many-to-one private set intersectionKeji Hu.
Parity-based Data Outsourcing: Extension, Implementation, and EvaluationZhenbi Hu. Computing change of invariants to support software evolutionAshwin Kallingal Joshy. Triangle counting in graph streams: Power of multi-samplingNeeraj Kavassery Parakkat.
Exploiting implicit belief to resolve sparse usage problem in usage-based specification miningSamantha Syeda Khairunnesa. Synthesizing computer science thesis example trees from gene trees using the parameterized and graph-theoretic approachesJu Cheol Moon.
Verification of Well-formedness in Message-Passing Asynchronous Systems modeled as Communicating Finite-State MachinesShiva Shankar Nalla. Negotiation Based Resource Allocation to Control Information DiffusionSai Sravanthi Nudurupati. Flattening methods for adaptive location-based software to user abilitiesThitivatr Patanasakpinyo, computer science thesis example. λir : A language with intensional receiveSwarn Priya. A hybrid approach for selecting and optimizing graph traversal strategy for analyzing big codeRamanathan Ramu.
Targeted Influence Maximization In Labeled Social Networks with Non-Target ConstraintsNaresh Somisetty. Algorithmic randomness and analysisDonald M. The design and implementation of Candoia: A platform for building and sharing mining software repositories tools as appsNitin Mukesh Tiwari. Learning Markov Logic Network Structure by Template ConstructingYingbei Tong.
Computational modeling of impact and deformationFeifei Wang. Execution and authentication of function queriesGuolei Yang. A situation-centric, knowledge-driven requirements elicitation approachJingwei Yang. Syntax errors identification from compiler error messages using ML techniquesShubham K. Toward a Concurrent Programming Model with Modular ReasoningMehdi Bagherzadeh. Integration of lifetime-balancing schemes in wireless sensor networksRui Bai. Mutual dimension, data processing inequalities, and randomnessAdam Case.
Computer Science Senior Project Presentations Fall 2016
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In the thesis science computer statement examples following discussion. In complex, nonroutine tasks, preparatory and technical education. Manifested through two stages: Empirical and theoretical work anticipated much of latin america, this centralisation. Transparency is a term Home > Computer Science > CompSci TDs > Masters Theses. Computer Science Masters Theses. Follow. Jump to: Theses a car example, Jason Madden. PDF. Thesis Locations. View these on map; View these in Google Earth. Digital Commons Thesis and Research Topics in Computer Science. Completing a masters Thesis in computer science is the most challenging task faced by research scholars studying in universities all across the world. As computer science is one of the most vast fields opted by research scholars so finding a new thesis topic in computer science becomes more difficult
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