The Research Paper. Title page The Title should be bold and underlined This must be in less than 12 words only; avoid starting the title using the words A Study. The title must be center-aligned. Abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the research; it allows the readers to survey the contents of an article quickly. Include the following in your abstract COMPREHENSIVE RESEARCH PAPER Comprehensive Research paper Comprehensive Research paper Introduction A recent issue of the USA's The Chronicle of Higher Education focused on the sustainable university (20 October ) and produced a wealth of information on institutional attempts to promote environmental awareness, social responsibility, and sound economic stewardship Sample APA Research Paper Sample Title Page Running on Empty 1 Running on Empty: The Effects of Food Deprivation on Concentration and Perseverance Thomas Delancy and Adam Solberg Dordt College Place manuscript page headers one-half inch from the top. Put five spaces between the page header and the page number. Full title, authors, and school name
Research Paper Examples - Free Sample Research Papers - EssayEmpire
Title page The Title should be bold and underlined This must be in less than 12 words only; avoid starting the title using the words A Study. The title must be center-aligned. Abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the research; it allows the readers to survey the contents of an article quickly. Include the following in your abstract. Problem under investigation 1 sentence 2. Purpose of the study 3. Two - three important concepts that appear in the body of the paper 4.
Data-gathering method 5. Findings and conclusions. This part should be in paragraph form and should not exceed words. It is the last to be written and it makes use of the past tense of the verb. Its page is found before the table of contents but is not included in pagination and in the table of contents.
Table of Contents I. The Problem and Its Setting II. Review of Related Literature III. Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data IV. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations V. Appendix VI. Reference List VII. Chapter 1 The Problem and Its Setting An overview of the study is found in the comprehensive research paper example two paragraphs. why you find the topic interesting; comprehensive research paper example the topic is about; what the background of the study is.
Statement of the Problem 1 paragraph what you wish to inquire into - the three objectives Note: Refer to the subordinate questions. Significance of the Study 1 paragraph why the topic is important; of what use the topic is, to whom; how people will benefit in the study. Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature This part connects your study to past theories and researches.
Do not just enumerate sources. Chapter 3 Presentation, comprehensive research paper example, Analysis and Interpretation of Data Discussion must be data-based.
Present all findings and discuss interview and survey results together with your own analysis and interpretation as the researchers. Elaborate the discussions and analysis by presenting and interpreting and summarizing results and other findings from interviews, survey and library research. Use significant details from the references found in the RRL.
You may confirm or reject contentions by providing strong evidences. Chapter 4 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations The summary includes specific observation. It highlights most significant results and concepts from the discussion and analysis. The recommendation is based on the significance of the comprehensive research paper example and leads others to conduct further studies or researchers comprehensive research paper example your paper has not covered.
Use may not should. Appendix This part includes sample questionnaires, interview questions, tables and charts for survey results, letters and other instruments and materials used, comprehensive research paper example. Reference List or Works Cited List This list presents only the references that were actually used in the study.
Arrange the references in alphabetical order with the following subheadings. Books Internet Sources Journals and Magazines Others. Bibliography This list includes all the references read, even those that were not used in the actual study. Books Internet Sources Journals Others. Note: The entire paper observes the following format: double space 1 inch margins on all sides font size 12 Arial or TNR text style.
All chapter headings should be bold, all caps and centered on the top of the page. The subheadings should be bold and centered.
Pagination on the upper right begins on page 2 of Chapter 1. Each chapter begins on a new page. Spell out numbers below 10 except for the page numbers ; use figures for 10 and above.
Spell out numbers, fractions and percentages that appear as the first words of any sentence. Label all tables and charts e. correctly and place at the center. Figures and tables should be decipherable but must not consume more than half of the page. Use the present tense of the verb except for the Abstract, the RRL and Chapter 3 which use the past tense and the Recommendation which uses the future tense.
Use the researchers, this study, this research, the paper to refer to yourselves as the authors, comprehensive research paper example. Titles of books, magazines, songs, movies, poems, etc. Open navigation menu.
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User Settings. close menu Welcome to Scribd! Skip carousel. Carousel Previous. Carousel Next. What is Scribd? Books Audiobooks Magazines Podcasts Sheet Music Documents Snapshots. Uploaded by taehyungie-ah. Document Information click to expand document information Description: This file depicts a comprehensive research paper outline that will guide students to create their own thesis in High School.
It displays all the parts and brief descriptions of said parts. Copyright © © All Rights Reserved. Available Formats DOCX, PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd. Share this document Share or Embed Document Sharing Options Share on Facebook, opens a new window Facebook.
Did you find this document useful? Is this content inappropriate? Report this Document. Description: This file depicts a comprehensive research paper outline that will guide students to create their own thesis in High School.
Copyright: © All Rights Reserved. Available Formats Download as DOCX, PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd. Flag for inappropriate content. Download now. Save Save Comprehensive Research Paper Outline For Later. Comprehensive Research Paper Outline. Related titles. Carousel Previous Carousel Next.
Thesis Encarta-Edtwin Sulispriyanto FKIP PBI UNISRI Farris, G. Jump to Page. Search inside document. The Research Paper Title page The Title should be bold and underlined This must be in less than 12 words only; avoid starting the title using the words A Study. Findings and conclusions This part should be in paragraph form and should not exceed words. Bibliography Chapter 1 The Problem and Its Setting An overview of the study is found in the first two paragraphs.
why you find the topic interesting; what the topic is about; what the background of the study is Statement of the Problem 1 paragraph what you wish to inquire into - the three objectives Note: Refer to the subordinate questions. The conclusion needs to be straightforward which makes use of simple and comprehensive research paper example terms.
Books Internet Sources Journals and Magazines Others Bibliography This list includes all the references read, comprehensive research paper example, even those that were not used in the actual study.
Books Internet Sources Journals Others Note: The entire paper observes the following format: double space 1 inch margins on all sides font size 12 Arial or TNR text style All chapter headings should be bold, all caps and centered on the top of the page. Define abbreviations and acronyms the first comprehensive research paper example they appear in comprehensive research paper example paper.
Related Interests Writing Written Communication Communication Cognitive Science Psychology. Documents Similar To Comprehensive Research Paper Outline. Diya Bhatia. Cole Kvistero. Edwin Clemenz. Jesselle Hannah Agbayani Ancheta-Ruiz.
My Step by Step Guide to Writing a Research Paper
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The Research Paper. Title page The Title should be bold and underlined This must be in less than 12 words only; avoid starting the title using the words A Study. The title must be center-aligned. Abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the research; it allows the readers to survey the contents of an article quickly. Include the following in your abstract COMPREHENSIVE RESEARCH PAPER Comprehensive Research paper Comprehensive Research paper Introduction A recent issue of the USA's The Chronicle of Higher Education focused on the sustainable university (20 October ) and produced a wealth of information on institutional attempts to promote environmental awareness, social responsibility, and sound economic stewardship Jun 08, · A Comprehensive Guide to Writing Research Papers admin June 8, No comments A research paper is an academic assignment that requires a student to study some topic within a particular area and present the results of their work
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