This interactive graphic organizer helps students develop an outline for one of three types of comparison essays: whole-to-whole, similarities-to-differences, or point-to-point. A link in the introduction to the Comparison and Contrast Guide give students the chance to get definitions and look at examples before they begin working. The tool offers multiple ways to navigate information including a graphic Sep 24, · A compare and contrast essay examines two or more subjects by comparing their similarities and contrasting their differences. Compare and contrast is high on Bloom's Taxonomy of critical reasoning and is associated with a complexity level where students break down ideas into simpler parts in order to see how the parts relate This five paragraph graphic organizer can be by students to plan essays, research reports, persuasive writing, comparative writing or any other informational reports. This could also be used to plan a narrative or story. It is blank so it provides students with a format (since 5 paragraph webs are. Subjects
2 Formats for Use in the Compare-Contrast Essay
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Organizing a Compare and Contrast Essay
, time: 13:31Compare & Contrast Map - ReadWriteThink

This five paragraph graphic organizer can be by students to plan essays, research reports, persuasive writing, comparative writing or any other informational reports. This could also be used to plan a narrative or story. It is blank so it provides students with a format (since 5 paragraph webs are. Subjects A step-by-step, scaffolded approach to writing writing a four-paragraph comparison and contrast essay. There is a writing model from which students complete a graphic organiser to guide them in deconstructing the model essay. Compare and Contrast Essay Writing - use during second rotation18 pins Sep 24, · A compare and contrast essay examines two or more subjects by comparing their similarities and contrasting their differences. Compare and contrast is high on Bloom's Taxonomy of critical reasoning and is associated with a complexity level where students break down ideas into simpler parts in order to see how the parts relate
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