Community Health Nursing Essay. Course Description: Continued study of nursing models and application of relevant theories to guide nursing practice as it pertains to health promotion and risk reduction. Using the family as the essential unit of care across all environments within the community, critical thinking and clinical decision-making Community health nursing focus on health promotion, disease prevention and maintenance of health. The foundation of community-base nursing is evidence-based blogger.comation about the concerns, conditions and strengths of the populations and the community are gathered through community assessment which are then analyzed and identified. Community assets and their accessibility are also Essay on “Community Health”. The terms community health and/or community medicine are being used in an interchangeable manner. The term community health is more commonly used by the health workers and has gained wide acceptance as the overall emphasis is
Community Health Nursing Reflection Essay - Words
Please join StudyMode to read the full document. However, in those short three years of practice I have learned and continue to learn many things whether medical, personal, or humanitarian. My personal nursing experience has been in surgical care services. The vast majority of the patients I have cared for are those undergoing elective procedures. They have chosen to have joint arthroplasty or some other type of procedure. I have also had the great fortune to care for those who community health nursing essay been diagnosed with terminal illnesses such as cancer and leukemia.
Many times I see these patients in the infancy of their disease process, but I also see them on a continue basis during treatments such as blood or platelet transfusions. The difficulties faced by patient s such as these are varied and bring with each a different set of needs to be assessed and addressed, community health nursing essay.
You become not just a nurse but a caregiver, advocate, therapist, and more often than not a friend. It is when working with these patients that the dynamics of quality versus quantity of life community health nursing essay central to care. In dealing with this you must Community Based Nursing Community health nursing is defined as a synthesis of nursing and public health practice applied to community health nursing essay and preserving the health of populations, according to the ANA in As an R.
in the ICU hospital setting, I have not come across the terms community based nursing and public health nursing often. Community health nursing is a synthesis of nursing practice and public health practice applied in promoting and preserving the health of populations. Since Community health nursing promotes self care of the individual, I have not experienced this type of nursing in my present position.
As far as distinguishing between public health nursingcommunity health nursingand community based nursingthey are different in many ways, community health nursing essay. Public health nursing has a broader base of practice, caring for the entire communitywhere community nursing has a more specific group or section of the society.
When comparing the nursing code of ethics of different types In the context of professional practices reflection is defined as the examination of personal thoughts and actions David, In this essay I am reflecting on an incident that happened in my earlier years of working as a professional nurse. The incident I am sharing and the subsequent learning I have gained by reflecting it helped me in the later years of my nursing career. During my career as a professional nurse I have worked in several hospitals also attended several cases and those provided me with lot of insights and leanings.
As per NMC guidelines, for protecting identify of the patient, names have been replaced with pseudo names. For structuring my experience and the subsequent reflection I am using Gibbs model of reflection as a framework. By using Gibbs model the practitioner and also take emotions into account.
As shown in the below diagram, this model for reflection consists of six stages. Figure : Gibbs reflective cycle, community health nursing essay. Source : Oxford Brookes University Gibbs reflection starts with describing the incident, analysing the feeling, evaluation of the experience, analysis community health nursing essay the experience, conclusion, what else can be done as the final step also it analyse about the future plan how to approach a similar situation in the future.
The incident I want to describe happened during the third year when I was working. When I was working in the causality Community Health Assessment of Chamberlain College of Nursing NR Fall Session, November Audrey L.
Hendrix Community Health Assessment of Introduction In an effort to promote the health needs within a communitya successful community health nursing essay health nurse CHN must focus on the entire population.
In order to accomplish this task, the CHN utilizes a scientific approach to determine the priority population focused health needs for the community. The purpose of this paper is to determine a priority health problem of a specific community based on demographic data, epidemiological data, and a windshield survey of the community, community health nursing essay. Community Data Zip code is the official postal identification for the city of Rockport, Texas. Rockport is the county seat of Aransas County.
Rockport is a Texas Gulf Coast community located on Live Oak Peninsula between Copano and Aransas Bay on State Highway Named for the rock ledge that lies underneath the coastal shore, Rockport was founded after Native American children attending these schools are generally obese and do not participate in extra-curricular activities. The Leading Health Indicator LHI that applies is Children and adolescents who are considered obese. Recognizing this LHI, nursing diagnoses can be generated followed by nursing interventions and finally a community health partnership that will positively influence obesity.
Also, while exploring these various steps, examples of how nursing can advocate community change will be shown. However, the role of community and the epidemiological influences within the community must be discussed first.
Individuals can only be as community health nursing essay as their community allows. Native Americans live on a reservation in a rural removed from the Maricopa community and its convenience. Native Americans, especially the children, are part of the Maricopa community due to their presence in schools, the casino, and employment with various Income and social status — Higher income and social status are linked to better health.
Education — Low education levels are linked with poor healthmore stress and lower self-confidence. Physical Environment — Safe water and clean air, healthy workplaces, safe houses, community health nursing essay, communities and roads all contribute to good health.
Employment and working conditions — People in employment are healthier, particularly those who have more control over their working conditions. Social support networks — Greater support from families, friends and communities is linked to better health. Culture — Customs and traditions, community health nursing essay, and the Using the family as the essential unit of care across all environments within the communitycritical thinking and clinical decision-making processes will facilitate the design, management, and provision of care to modify risk factors.
It promotes engagement of healthy lifestyles among individuals and families within the community. Specific clinical activities are related to prevention and reduction of health disparities across the life span through the community health nursing essay of community assessment and the development and implementation of culturally appropriate nursing strategies reflecting professional values and behaviors.
Prerequisites or Henrico County is located within the Commonwealth of Virginia, census count for the county population wascommunity health nursing essay, with an estimated county population ofWikipedia, n. Henrico County is the 5TH most populous county within the state and also one of the oldest counties within the country. Henrico County boarders the city of Richmond and actually crescents community health nursing essay city on the west, north and eastern boarders.
The community health nursing essay is boarded by the Chickahominy River to the north and the James River to the south. Henrico County has an excellent transportation infrastructure that consists of highways I, I, I and I 64, you can be across town in a matter of 30 minutes from most locations.
The economy is primarily driven by law, finance, governmental agencies both state and federal, banking and healthcare. Henrico County encompasses square miles. Population Economic Status Assessment Henrico County per the U. Census Bureau had an estimated population for year ofresidents. Sign Up. Sign In. Sign Up Sign In. Home Essays Community Health Nursing Community Health Nursing Reflection Topics: NursingHealthHealth care Pages: 4 words Published: September 27, Continue Reading Please join StudyMode to read the full document.
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Community Health Needs Assessments: Setting Priorities
, time: 7:34Community Health Nursing Free Essay Sample

Essay on “Community Health”. The terms community health and/or community medicine are being used in an interchangeable manner. The term community health is more commonly used by the health workers and has gained wide acceptance as the overall emphasis is Community Health Centers Nursing Essay. Community health centers provide primary health care services to more than 22 million people across the United States. Each health center provides for the unique needs of patients in its immediate community Community Health Nursing Essay. Course Description: Continued study of nursing models and application of relevant theories to guide nursing practice as it pertains to health promotion and risk reduction. Using the family as the essential unit of care across all environments within the community, critical thinking and clinical decision-making
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