Jan 09, · Common App Activities Section Examples. Here are examples from top high school students. These examples should help you write a great Common App activities list: DECA Executive Vice President. Trained 7 state qualifiers; developed fundraising, recruitment campaigns to raise $ in 1 year, increase membership from 6 to 40 members in 2 years – Aug 20, · Use stronger verbs. I’ll define “stronger” in a moment, but in short: Are you describing your activity in the most dynamic way possible? Most students Develop better (and perhaps a bit more) content. Have you included a wide range of responsibilities? Most students forget to include solving Common Application Activities List; Day One; Lifetime Goals; Clarinets, Calluses, and Chemisty; Karate Extracurricular Essay - "Little Ninjas" Poverty; Western Civilization; Passage To New Ground; The Power of Daydreams; Living Deliberately; Food Drive Short Essay; Lost in Spain; Describe a place or environment - "The world of mathematics" Sample Essay
5 Successful Common App Activity Entries Explained
Admissions and test prep resources to help you get into your dream schools. Whereas the Common App Essay will show college admissions committees who your child isthe Common app activities example App Activities section will allow colleges to understand what your child has done and is doing outside of the classroom, offering one of the best opportunities to stand out among other applicants.
Without college essays and extracurricular activities lists, colleges would be limited to grades, class rank, and ACT and SAT scores to make their admissions decisions. Activity description, including what your child accomplished and any recognition they received: characters. Common App requests common app activities example following information for each activity:.
Activity type e. Timing of participation during school year, during school break, all year. Note: It is acceptable for your child to indicate their intention to participate in certain similar activities in college, but not others.
Thank you! Your guide is on its way. In the meantime, please let us know how we can help you crack the the college admissions code. You can also learn more about our 1-on-1 college admissions support here. Include role and organization name in their respective boxes. The first four fields for each activity on Common App look like this:. After selecting an activity type from the drop-down menu, your child should input both their position and the organization name in the corresponding boxes.
That way, your child can use the full character limit for the activity description box. Do not repeat words from the position description box in the activity description box. Focus on quantifiable and significant impact.
List tasks and avoid complete sentences to make room for more detail. Colleges understand that your child does not have enough space to provide in-depth descriptions of each activity.
Describe current activities using common app activities example tense. List activities in order of importance and impressiveness. Activities listed earlier will be better remembered by admissions committees, so your child should lead with their most impactful and meaningful ones. Make activities sound as impressive as possible. Chunk related activities together to develop a theme.
College admissions committees look not only for activities in which your child has participated for a number of years, but also for groups of related activities. Organized local basketball tournament for kids with special needs. Clearly, Student 2 passes the failed simulation effect test while also demonstrating significant impact and achievement through a single area—basketball. On the other hand, Student 1 lists unrelated activities that make them seem well rounded, common app activities example, but nothing particularly stands out.
Below is an example of how a single student might format, describe, and order their activities. Intern Google Virtual Reality VR Coded VR environments for various software prototypes, some of which were featured at the Consumer Electronics Show.
Founder and President Code for Community Organize coding camps for middle and high schoolers from inner-city Chicago whose schools do not offer computer science classes, common app activities example.
President Coding Club Major projects common app activities example developing software for school to track student grades, assignments, and parent communications. Assistant Instructor Tae Kwon Do Train 5- to 6-year-old martial arts students to develop proper technique and instill confidence. Tae Kwon Do Achieved black belt at common app activities example 16 and currently training for state tournament.
Writing Peer Counselor The Hamilton School Supported high school students with all forms of writing, including in-class assignments, AP exam essays, and school newspaper articles. Math Tutor The Hamilton School Support struggling middle and high school students with Algebra 1 and 2, Geometry, Precalculus, and Calculus. President Cru Club Host monthly speaking events with athletes, principals, etc. for 80 students from all over Chicago to help them discover aspects of their purpose.
Customer Service Representative Elegant Cleaners Greeted customers, processed orders and payments, and returned clothing items. Waitress Blue Ribbon Diner Took customer orders, served food and drinks, and processed payments. The Common App and UC Activities sections differ in three noteworthy ways:.
Number of activities : The UC application allows students to list up to 20 activities vs. Character count : Whereas Common App allows characters for each activity description, the UC application allows characters for each activity description. Further reading: How to Write an Impressive UC Activities List. For example, if your child has already completed 10th grade, they should list their activity with the 11th grade.
Thus, we recommend that common app activities example child simply total their hours and average it over the number of weeks they spent on an activity. For example, if your child spent 5 hours per week volunteering at an organization for 30 weeks during the school year, plus 25 hours per week for 10 weeks over the summer, they should write that they volunteered for 10 hours per week for 40 weeks.
Ideally, they should also work relevant details into the description box to convey how that time was distributed—for instance, they might note that they took on additional responsibilities or more time-intensive tasks during the summer. Your child should count not just the time they spend actually doing an activity, but also time spent preparing for and traveling to that activity.
Or, say your child is a varsity cross country athlete and often travels a few hours away to attend meets on the weekend—they should include that travel time as well.
Not necessarily. College admissions committees value long-term commitments to activities vs, common app activities example. a long list of activities to which an applicant devoted less time and effort. Optimize for quality, not quantity. Not to worry. In fact, if your child bears a significant amount of responsibility at home, such as routinely babysitting for a sibling or taking care of domestic tasks like cooking or cleaning as opposed to occasional chorescommon app activities example, these details can help common app activities example valuable context for their academic and extracurricular records, common app activities example.
There is a separate section on the Common App that allows your child to list up to five honors and awards. Your child can use the Common App Additional Information section to go into more detail about their most meaningful activities. View our Privacy Policy. Medical School Admissions College Admissions. Medical School Admissions MCAT Question of the Day College Admissions.
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Learn how to share your accomplishments in a way that shines, plus a Common App Activities section example, common app activities example. How many activities can be listed? Your child may list up to 10 activities.
What are the word or character limits for each activity? What other information does Common App collect for each activity? Common App requests the following information for each activity: Activity type e, common app activities example. First Name. Last Name. Email Address. Send me the guide. Part 3: Advanced strategies 1. Part 4: Common App Activities section example Below is an example of how a single student might format, describe, and order their activities.
Part 5: Frequently asked questions How does the Common App Activities section differ from the University of California UC Activities section? The Common App and UC Activities sections differ in three noteworthy ways: Number of activities : The UC application allows students to list up to 20 activities vs. Further reading: How to Write an Impressive UC Activities List How should summer jobs and activities be listed?
What if my child spends different amounts of time on an activity during the school year vs. over the summer? What counts towards the time spent on an activity? What should my child do if their activity type is not listed in the drop-down menu? Is it a problem if my child has fewer than 10 activities to list? What if my child has fewer activities because they spend a significant amount of time helping out at home?
Should my child list their honors and awards in the Activities section? How to Use the Common App How to Write an Amazing Common App
How To Fill Out The Common App Activities Section + sharing my own (yikes)
, time: 19:52Common Application Activities List - Common App Essay
Jan 09, · Common App Activities Section Examples. Here are examples from top high school students. These examples should help you write a great Common App activities list: DECA Executive Vice President. Trained 7 state qualifiers; developed fundraising, recruitment campaigns to raise $ in 1 year, increase membership from 6 to 40 members in 2 years – Mar 30, · Part 2: Writing strategies. 1. Include role and organization name in their respective boxes. The first four fields for each activity on Common App look like this: After selecting 2. Do not repeat words from the position description box in the activity description box. Continuing with the student Oct 22, · 80+ Extracurricular Activity Examples for the Common Application. State role and organization name in top box. Emphasize tangible, measurable impact. Use active verbs! To save space, use lists and cut extra words. No need for complete sentences. Aim for variety. Avoid extreme language
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